Fall Move2Learn Movement Challenge

The October Move2Learn Movement Challenge was another huge success! Across Alexandria, 11 elementary schools, 129 teachers and 3,225 students got active in classrooms with a jaw-dropping 122,550 brain-boosting physical activities.
We are thrilled to share that these ACPS schools got their kids active the most: Matthew Maury Elementary School came out on top ($2,500), Jefferson Houston PreK-8 IB school AND James K. Polk Elementary school TIED for 2nd (each to receive a $1,000 prize), and Ferdinand T. Day Elementary School came in 3rd ($500)!
Special thanks to our Movement Challenge Sponsor, Old Town Smiles! All prize money will be used to purchase supplies and equipment to increase physical activity throughout the school day.
Eleven winning teachers, randomly selected from participating schools, were thrilled to receive wiggle cushions, jump ropes, and hula hoops to enhance kinesthetic learning and provide more movement opportunities during instructional time.
Surveys were completed by 88% of participating teachers and their responses show that brain boosts are having an impact:
- 97% of survey respondents said daily brain boosts were a positive addition to their classroom efficiency and structure.
- 94% of survey respondents said doing brain boosts improved student focus in the classroom. Some commented that this was especially true during extended periods of sitting or inactivity.
- 94% of survey respondents said doing brain boosts increased on-task behaviors in their classrooms.
Teachers commented that their students looked forward to brain boosts which often helped with classroom management. One teacher reported that brain boosts provided a “quick way to get out the wiggles and refocus.” Another commented that the brain boosts “totally make a difference with students; they need these brain boosts during instruction.” Many teachers reported that the brain boosts were a great addition to their daily routine and they were excited to continue them.
Congratulations to all participants and to the winners! Next chance to participate: March 2020!