Racial Equity: Our Journey Continues

In 2020, the world witnessed glaring and violent examples of systemic racism here in the United States as unarmed Black men and women were killed. While these actions and behaviors are rooted in a long history of racism and have been in plain sight for decades, the world rose in protest and with clear outrage. What has emerged is the opportunity for addressing inequity in a profound way.
See our 2020 statement on racial equity
The tragic events jolted RunningBrooke staff and board members to look inward to further examine the role we play in our community. Like many others, we are deeply committed to being part of the solution.
Here are some of the actions we’ve undertaken so far:
- Many of us participated in racial justice workshops — under the leadership of Allyship and Leadership Matters — that took us on a deep dive;
- As a result of our training on how systemic racism functions in America, especially in education because that’s where we work, we kicked off an in-depth assessment of our work, with the goal of moving forward in a focused and more purposeful manner to achieve equity;
- Led by an outside source in full partnership with the ACPS Accountability Office, we surveyed more than 500 ACPS teachers/administrators and community leaders for an external perspective about our work and how we can improve. Survey questions focused on a series of tools, tactics, strategies, and programs to improve racial equity in traditionally marginalized student groups;
- This assessment led to the development of an Equity Action Plan to better reach RunningBrooke’s target population student groups and hear and share power with those groups in our community.
This plan goes beyond just access; we strive to meet our constituents where they are so they can fully participate in the decision making process and enhance equity in our programs. A short-term goal of this plan is the formation of a representative Community Advisory Board to advise and influence RunningBrooke’s programming decisions.
We’re committed to standing in solidarity and continuing this important journey.