What’s Happening

  • A Great Start to the School Year
    September 2020 We hope everyone is doing well and keeping up their Brain Boosts to stay primed for learning and keeping on task! We were so happy that so many people participated in the Alexandria Walk the Block kick-off on the first day of school.
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  • Our Position Statement
    September 2020 RunningBrooke is sparking a movement revolution in classrooms and schools.  By integrating creative and sustainable movement practices and programs into the school day, we enhance academic performance and empower all students to achieve long-term success.
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  • Move2Learn Grant Partners Announced
    September 2020 We’re so pleased to announce our 2020-2021 Move2Learn Grant Partners, a program that provides funding to Alexandria City Public Schools’ educators for fun and interactive programs that promote physical activity,
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  • Take A Walk!
    August 2020 Alexandria Moves and ACPS Safe Route to School announce “Alexandria Walk the Block,” a city-wide initiative to promote healthy and safe physical activity for residents during the school year.
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  • Impact Report to the Community
    July 2020 As we’ve shared, RunningBrooke has stepped up to meet our changing reality. Diverting our efforts to our new Move2Learn-at-home programs, we are keeping kids moving. Now we want to share with you all that we have already accomplished.
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