Thank for Your Generous Donations During Spring2ACTion!

When it was all said and done, $95,000 was raised in just 24-hours for at-risk kids in Alexandria! What an amazing & fulfilling day. Thank you!
A special shout-out to those business leaders who sponsored our video: Kisdakee Boutique, Alexandria Pest Services, Op Center, Simpson Development & LizLuke. If you missed the video, watch it here.
Your donations will fund movement, learning & play programs. Why? Because active kids learn better.
We know that unstructured play for kids under 5 builds brains.
The American Academy of Pediatrics cites unstructured play as essential for helping children reach important social, emotional and cognitive developmental milestones.
We know that kids who are active learn better.
The CDC has documented 2nd graders being able to focus on math problems after short movement breaks. Students in Naperville, Illinois schedule their most challenging subject after P.E. class and outperform their counterparts on national and international tests in math and science.
We envision all children having access to safe outdoor spaces.
Project Play has identified areas of our city that have the least number of outdoor play spaces yet the highest number of kids.
Our dream is that all 3rd graders are reading at grade level.
Our future workforce needs your investment now. Kids who fall behind are four times more likely to drop out of high school and every dropout costs our society $260,000 in lost earnings, taxes, and productivity.
We know we’re in a marathon, not a sprint. Every donation counts. Donate now.
Our motto: Move to Learn!